A Call none will Chase

There is a call none will chase

their hearts are longing for it, but there need they never face

The need to call out to the caller, as their ability is insufficient

It is this call that is not heard as their pride clouds their eyes giving them a sense of omniscience

For it is they who  think they know how to do the work laid out in Your word

But the still small voice in their ministry, oh Lord it is rarely heard

Call out louder God as more need to be on their knees

So many who have no Savior, are dying in helpless pleas

For their plea is for a messenger, the one called out by Your Son

It is that one they need to hear Your word from and their broken pieces may become one

God is calling so many to be transformed to his way

Oh the call is echoing but Lord few will pray

The world is a broken cistern crying for its potter

Lord we need your hands and feet assembled, your body working, restoring the clay with Your living water

As the call rings out will there be one on their knees to hear?

On our knees in prayer You quell our insecurity and dismiss our petty fear

So we may minister Your Truth and carry out Your great commission.

Oh lord it is obtainable to all with open ears, and have not committed prayer to omission

A call none will chase as it is risky and calls us out of the norms

To reach across our streets, our neighborhood and our dorms

It is a call of anguish, a call to step out in faith

out of the boat into a raging ocean as Peter we will follow what your voice saith

Pray without ceasing as the troubles will never cease

We are powerless without God’s hand and His peace.

Oh the call is there just reach out to it on your knees

For what the world has to gain is a lost soul and judgement only Your Son can appease

Pray without ceasing, pray as it is our power

For we need Your anointing oil and Your strength and righteousness on us to shower

Lord may these last lines be my prayer, a prayer for more to pursue a call none will chase

For apart from Your holy identity freely given, they  are  worthless accidents, condemned to death without grace

Is it done for them? Lord don’t let it be.

if they won’t chase the call, call out to me

Is it done for them? Lord don’t let it be.

if they won’t go for You Lord send me.








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