Being with Christ:Not overthrown

Reading more of Acts, I had to stop at the council’s comment of the apostle’s,”they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.”
What a loaded and profound statement as we realize the power of our ministry is WITH Christ and our message proceeds from what Christ did and is presently doing in people’s hearts today.  I was just hit with the question: have I been with Christ in my efforts to minister to others?  I fully realize that I can serve God without God with me, and it is described in the Bible as vain or dead works in Heb 9:14.  To live a life in dead works, what a waste,what a selfish crime, and what a disappointment to look back on.  I state this, not to condemn, but to warn my heart and you that we can serve or do God’s work without God in it.  It is the reason we have religion separate from Christianity(Following Christ). I know religion is Satan’s design as I look in Genesis and see Satan acknowledge God, but leaves out LORD when speaking to Eve.  It is our sin nature and Satan who desire us to be religious and propagate a counterfeit gospel that gives us power and glory instead of God.  I must be with God if I hope to serve Him and glorify Him alone with my life. I must be acknowledging Him as LORD God,Yahweh, the self reliant, self existent and ruler God.  It is when I am with my LORD that I have Identity(exodus 3), it is with my LORD that I have a ministry(The NT), and it is with my LORD that I have partnership in power of His resurrection and fellowship with His sufferings(Phil 3:10).  It cannot be manifest any other way.  John 14:6  Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.   Not only this, but I see that being with Christ nothing stands to stop His work in me and through me. (Phil 1:6,4:13)  The Pharisee Gamaliel, (Acts 5)puts it so plain before the council almost in a doubtful/challenging tone stating  “. . . And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: (39) But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.   These words may have been stated in belief and faith that the apostle’s were of God, but in my observation it seems as if he stated this in doubt of their work.All the while he was knowledgeable of God’s power, but denied the ministers due to their standing. I realize I am challenged every day in  my ministry, as my own thoughts echo the doubt seen in this pharisee.Like the Pharisee, I know God has the power, but in my preoccupation on my inadequacy I give myself a tag of unworthy to minister.  Fortunately, my doubts are overcome by faith through Christ and God’s work is not overcome! This pharisee’s statement can prove my work before God as only God’s work will stand sure. All the wood,hay and stubble or dead works burn down before God as the gold and precious stones of faithful works with Christ stand the flames. I challenge you to take a step back and discern your ministry today. Is it with Christ or is it simply just a work done by your efforts? God’s work persist and our work will  ultimately fail over time if done without Christ.  I am encouraged to know that  I Peter 4:11 is a promise that my strength in ministry is from God. And God, in being with Him, will be Glorified!  I don’t have enough time in my life to waste it on dead works,  I must serve in Spirit,with Christ,submitted to LORD God to see amazing works and miracles take place in my life.  We have such a privilege to minister with Christ at our side, don’t waste it or neglect the power we have in Him.

One response to “Being with Christ:Not overthrown”

  1. Absolutely, no time to waste. The closer you move toward Jesus, the more you realized how far you were. The more you read the bible, the more is revealed and you realize how much you didn’t know. Play time is over. We have followed you. Feel free to re-share your post with our community. God Bless Your Ministry.



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